
JWT attacks - PortSwigger

Table of Contents

JWT authentication bypass via unverified signature

Goal : modify your session token to gain access to the admin panel at /admin, then delete the user carlos.

  • login with your credentials wiener : peter
  • notice that the cookies contain field called session and contain JWT token
  • if you decoded it , you would see that the token identifies you from your name
  • jwt

  • also you know that the token has 3 parts header , payload and signature . now we are interested in the payload part , you also need to know that it’s just encoding in base64


  • change the username from wiener to admin and encode it with base64 , you will get this


  • change the token in session field in cookies to the new token and refresh the page


  • you will notice that your username will be admin but the if you go to /admin , you still don’t have permissions , also notice that the message tells you should login as administrator
  • so repeat the last step to generate new token with username administrator instead of admin


  • set the session value to the new token ,refresh the page and now you can delete carlos’s account


JWT authentication bypass via flawed signature verification

Goal : modify your session token to gain access to the admin panel at /admin, then delete the user carlos.

  • we know from the description of the lab that the server is insecurely configured to accept unsigned JWTs , which means that we can ignore sending the signature part of the token and still accepts it
  • make alg to none ( because in this lab we don’t need to verify the signature ) and sub to administartor
  • you can modify the token directly from json Web token extension in Burpsuite


  • get the header and payload parts of the token and make sure to keep the two dots to make the token valid

  • change the token in session field in cookies to the new token and refresh the page , you will have access to the admin panel and you can delete carlos’s account.

JWT authentication bypass via weak signing key

Goal : brute-force the website’s secret key. Once you’ve obtained this, use it to sign a modified session token that gives you access to the admin panel at /admin, then delete the user carlos.

  • login with your credentials wiener : peter
  • we know from the description of the lab that the secret key is very weak and we can crack it easily using this wordlist
  • use hashcat to crack the JWT token with this command
hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 <JWT token> <JWT wordlist>

hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 eyJraWQiOiJhYmQ2N2FmZC1iODA3LTQ3YjQtODNjNi0xMGUzYTY5NDAyMGEiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwb3J0c3dpZ2dlciIsInN1YiI6IndpZW5lciIsImV4cCI6MTY2MDgyNzA5NX0.MLBUFpTVqW9-8Zp9T1c0LhR_vioClp1L9IAYSd8tafE jwt.secrets.txt

  • the secret key is secret1


  • modify the sub to administartor and write your secret key in the signature part


  • now you have a valid JWT token
  • change the token in session field in cookies to the new token and refresh the page , you will have access to the admin panel and you can delete carlos’s account.

JWT authentication bypass via jwk header injection

Goal : modify and sign a JWT that gives you access to the admin panel at /admin, then delete the user carlos.

  • login with your credentials wiener : peter
  • we know from the description of the lab that the server supports the jwk parameter in the JWT header
  • servers use jwk header parameter to embed their public key directly within the token itself in JWK format , misconfigured servers sometimes use any key that’s embedded in the jwk parameter.
  • go to the JWT Editor Keys tab in burpsuite
  • Generate a new RSA key.
  • Send a request containing a JWT to Burp Repeater.
  • modify the token’s payload sub from wiener to administrator
  • Click Attack, then select Embedded JWK. When prompted, select your newly generated RSA key.
  • by doing this we tell the misconfigured server to verify the token with the private key that we generated


  • change the token in session field in cookies to the new token and refresh the page , you will have access to the admin panel and you can delete carlos’s account.
  • this is the generated token with jwk parameter


JWT authentication bypass via jku header injection

Goal : forge a JWT that gives you access to the admin panel at /admin, then delete the user carlos.

  • login with your credentials wiener : peter
  • we know from the description of the lab that the server supports the jku parameter in the JWT header
 The "jku" (JWK Set URL) Header Parameter is a URI [RFC3986] that
   refers to a resource for a set of JSON-encoded public keys, one of
   which corresponds to the key used to digitally sign the JWS.

  • go to the JWT Editor Keys tab in burpsuite
  • Generate a new RSA key. ,right-click on the entry for the key that you just generated, then select Copy Public Key as JWK.
  • go to your exploit server , modify File from /exploit to /.well-known/jwks.json and paste your public key in the body


  • Send a request containing a JWT to Burp Repeater.
  • modify the token’s payload sub from wiener to administrator
  • modify kid with the new one
  • add jku in the header with your exploit server link


  • click Sign, then select the RSA key that you generated in the previous section.
  • Make sure that the Don’t modify header option is selected, then click OK. The modified token is now signed with the correct signature.
  • change the token in session field in cookies to the new token and refresh the page , you will have access to the admin panel and you can delete carlos’s account.
  • this is the generated token with jku parameter


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