
Authentication - PortSwigger

Table of Contents

Username enumeration via different responses

Goal : login into the website by brute-force usernames and passwords

  • go to the login page , submit any credentials , intercept the request, and send it to the intruder
  • select the value of username and click add §


  • from options menu , load the usernames wordlist .
  • check the length of the response , you will notice that all similar lengths gives you invalid username except one with unique length gives you Incorrect password . this means that this user is exist (user enumeration)


  • repeat these steps with value of password . load the passwords wordlist and check the response lengths


  • Only one response will have a 302 HTTP response status code, which means that the password is correct

2FA simple bypass

Goal : login into carlos account by bypassing 2FA

  • go to the login page ,submit your valid credentials wiener:peter,intercept the request and send it to the repeater
  • you will notice that when you enter :
    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.
    • valid credentials , it redirects to /login2 and generate security code
  • click Email client to get the security code and login to your account
  • logout and login with carlos:montoya
  • change the URL from /login2 to /my-account

Password reset broken logic

Goal : reset Carlos’s password then log in and access his “My account” page.

  • go to the login page ,submit your valid credentials wiener:peter,intercept the request and send it to the repeater
  • you will notice that when you enter :

    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.
    • valid credentials , it redirects to ` /my-account`
  • logout and click forget password ,enter your username peter , go to Email client to get the password reset link

  • enter your new password and intercept the request , you will notice that the username is exist
  • change the value of username to carlos and login with the new carlos ‘s password NOTE : you can delete the token from the request ,that means you can reset the password without any token


Username enumeration via subtly different responses

Goal : login into the website by brute-force usernames and passwords

  • go to the login page ,submit any credentials ,intercept the request and send it to the intruder
  • select the value of username ,password and click add §
  • choose attack type cluster bomb because now we have two payloads




  • All responses will give an invalid username or password, except only one response will have a 302 HTTP response status code, which means that the username and password are correct


Username enumeration via response timing

Goal : login into the website by brute-force usernames and passwords

  • go to the login page, submit any credentials, intercept the request and send it to the intruder.
  • select the value of username and click add §
  • you will notice that only the first 3 requests give Invalid username or password. and the other gives You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 30 minute(s). , that means the web application blocks you after 3 wrong credential attempts


  • You can bypass this by spoofing your IP with an X-Forwarded-For header

  • You may notice that in the case of submitting your own username, the response time changes depending on the length of the password.

  • From the intruder, select the value of X-Forwarded-For as the first payload, the value of username as the second payload, and select pitchfork attack type.


  • From the options menu, set the payload type as numbers for the payload set 1, with a number range of 1–100 to change in each request


  • From the options menu, set the payload type as a simple list For payload set 2, load the usernames wordlist


  • Click Start Attack, then click Columns and select the Response received and Response completed options.
  • You will notice that the username ag response time is longer than the others. Note: the first request (request 0) has the largest response time is my own username (wiener), so ignore it.


  • Set the username= ag and load the passwords wordlist .



  • click start attack , all responses will give Invalid username or password except only one response will have 302 HTTP response status code which means that the username and password is correct


Broken brute-force protection, IP block

Goal : login into the website by brute-force usernames and passwords

  • go to the login page ,submit any credentials ,intercept the request and send it to the intruder
  • select the value of username and click add §
  • you will notice that when you enter :
    • nonexistent username ,it gives Invalid username
    • wrong password for exist user , it gives Incorrect password
    • more than 2 wrong attempts, it gives You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 1 minute(s).


  • so , you can bypass the block by entering 2 wrong credentials followed by 1 valid credentials (your own username and password)

  • create file contains your own username and your target username but repeat them 100 times

  • create file contains passwords wordlist and put your password before each one. you can use this python script to generate the password file

    with open('password.txt') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    f= open('password.txt', 'w')
    for line in lines:
        c = "\npeter".join(line.split('\n'))
  • configure the intruder , load the username and password files




  • click start attack , only one response for carlos will have 302 HTTP response status code which means that the username and password is correct


Username enumeration via account lock

Goal : login into the website by brute-force usernames and passwords

  • go to the login page ,submit any credentials ,intercept the request and send it to the intruder
  • select the value of username ,password and click add §
  • choose attack type cluster bomb because now we have two payloads
  • from options menu , load the usernames and passwords wordlists .
  • responses give Invalid username or password. and after a lot of wrong attempts give You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 1 minute(s). which means the username is valid but the account is locked



  • I continued the attack and I had 302 response code but you can use sniper attack with the valid username and the password wordlist


2FA broken logic

Goal : login into carlos account by bypassing 2FA

  • go to the login page ,submit your valid credentials wiener:peter,intercept the request and send it to the repeater

  • you will notice that when you enter :

    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.

    • valid credentials , it redirects to /login2 and generate security code with verify parameter and wiener as a value in cookie

    • 1
      Cookie: session=cixHQ2yF0uvG6QUOqRkyUnjsIpFlwQu6; verify=wiener
  • change wiener to carlos and send GET request to /login2 to generate security code for carlos

  • brute-force the security code with burp intruder



  • you can use simple list payload type and load the output from this script which generates numbers in 4 digits from 0-9999
for i in range(0,10000):

  • start the attack and you will get302 response code
  • Right-click on the response and select Show response in browser. Copy the URL and load it in the browser. The page loads and you are logged in as carlos


Goal : brute-force Carlos’s cookie to gain access to his “My account” page.

  • go to the login page ,submit your valid credentials wiener:peter,intercept the request and send it to the repeater

  • you will notice that when you enter :

    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.

    • multiple wrong credentials , it gives You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 1 minute(s).

    • valid credentials , it redirects to ` /my-account` and generate cookie

Cookie:session=isdKJGMsLZYPCEPtocVeA1; stayloggedin=d2llbmVyOjUxZGMzMGRkYzQ3M2Q0M2E2MDExZTllYmJhNmNhNzcw


  • notice that the value of stayloggedin is in base64
  • decode it and you will get wiener:51dc30ddc473d43a6011e9ebba6ca770 which is the username : md5(password)
  • to brute-force the cookie of carlos you need list of possible passwords in md5 hash then encode them into base64 you can use this python script to generate all possible stayloggedin values

import hashlib
import base64
f= open('password.txt', 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
    result = hashlib.md5(line.rstrip('\n').encode())
    stringToBase64 = "carlos:"+result.hexdigest()
    stringToBase64_bytes = stringToBase64.encode("ascii")
    base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(stringToBase64_bytes)
    base64_string = base64_bytes.decode("ascii")

  • Log out of your account.
  • Send the most recent GET /my-account request to Burp Intruder.
  • select the value of stayloggedin and click add §
  • load the base64 values


  • click start attack .
  • one of them will login with carlos account


  • decode the base64, you will get value like carlos:d0763edaa9d9bd2a9516280e9044d885
  • decrypt the md5 hash or you can use this script to get the password from the passwords wordlist
import hashlib
f= open('password.txt', 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
    result = hashlib.md5(line.rstrip('\n').encode())
    stringToBase64 = "carlos:"+result.hexdigest()
    if(stringToBase64 == "carlos:d0763edaa9d9bd2a9516280e9044d885"):

  • login with carlos credentials

Offline password cracking

Goal : obtain Carlos’s stay-logged-in cookie and use it to crack his password. Then, log in as carlos and delete his account from the “My account” page.

  • go to the login page ,submit your valid credentials wiener:peter,intercept the request and send it to the repeater

  • you will notice that when you enter :

    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.

    • multiple wrong credentials , it gives You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 1 minute(s).

    • valid credentials , it redirects to ` /my-account` and generate cookie

    • 1
  • notice that the value of stayloggedin is in base64

  • decode it and you will get wiener:51dc30ddc473d43a6011e9ebba6ca770 which is the username : md5(password)

  • go to home then view post and write XSS payload in the comment (stored XSS)


  • open access log of the exploit server and you will get carlos’s cookie


  • decode the base64, you will get carlos:26323c16d5f4dabff3bb136f2460a943
  • decrypt the md5 hash using any tool ,( i used this website ) and you will get carlos ‘s password


  • login with carlos credentials carlos : onceuponatime and delete his account

Password reset poisoning via middleware

Goal : log in to Carlos’s account.

  • go to the login page ,submit your valid credentials wiener:peter,intercept the request and send it to the repeater
  • you will notice that when you enter :

    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.
    • valid credentials , it redirects to ` /my-account`
  • logout and click forget password ,enter your username peter , go to Email client to get the password reset link
  • you know that the user carlos will carelessly click on any links in emails that he receives. So, you need to generate password reset link to him
  • add header in /forgot-password and change username to carlos


  • go to email client and check the logs, you will get carlos ‘s reset password token
"GET /forgot-password?temp-forgot-password-token=aBgxUrhr46KRYNbPNoyBpCuRelpKui8x HTTP/1.1"
  • enter new password and login with the new credentials

Password brute-force via password change

Goal : brute-force Carlos’s account and access his “My account” page.

  • login with your credentials wiener : peter
  • try different entries in password change function
  • you will notice that when you enter :

  • valid current password, but two different new passwords, the message says New passwords do not match.
  • wrong current password
    • If the two entries for the new password match, the account is locked.
    • if you enter two different new passwords, an error message says Current password is incorrect.
  • you can brute-force carlos’s password if you enters a wrong current password with two different new passwords to get Current password is incorrect. till it changes to New passwords do not match. which means that a valid current password is submitted

Note : the username is submitted as hidden input in the request.


  • go to burp intruder, select value of current password and load it with the passwords wordlist and check the response lengths


  • all responses returnCurrent password is incorrect except one returns New passwords do not match which means that you get carlos’s password


Broken brute-force protection multiple credentials per request

Goal : login into carlos account by brute-force usernames and passwords

  • go to the login page ,submit any credentials ,intercept the request and send it to the repeater
  • you will notice that when you enter :
    • wrong credentials , it gives Invalid username or password.
    • multiple wrong credentials , it gives You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 1 minute(s).
  • i tried for another username but it also gives You have made too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 1 minute(s). ,So it is not based on usernames but on something that identifies me as the same client.

  • then i tried to add X-Forwarded-For header but no luck with it
  • i noticed that the data submitted in JSON form


  • i tried to submit multiple values of username and password like that but no thing changed
  • finally i tried to submit carlos username with array of all passwords in JSON form and it gave 302

you can use this python script to generate the array

import json
arr = []
with open('password.txt') as file:
    for i in file:


  • Right-click on the response and select Show response in browser. Copy the URL and load it in the browser. The page loads and you are logged in as carlos.
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